Monday, 28 October 2013

Creation Hour or Practical Applied Arts

I truly enjoyed last weeks class with Sylvia Martinez.  At my school we adopted to do PAA classes once a week and rotate through the students.  We stared this about 3 years ago and now that Joni Darke has had the time to become a consultant and create web page to help facilitate what is going on and what our options are the entire senior end of our school has truly bought into utilizing this time.    We have done a variety of tasks such as, flute making, learning how to grocery shop, cardboard boat racing, cooking, paper airplanes, kite making, Delta Darts (which has been my favorite so far).  I have a couple of things I wanted to do this year. I started this year off with grocery shopping as my PAA project.  I know it doesn't directly fit in with the concept of creation hour, or "making" but it is a skill that none of my students have and thought this would be a great time to teach them a life skill.  I was planning on in the new year to do a "meme" creation with the kids as part of my rotation.  Now that we were introduced to  Makey Makey I am thinking I will change to try doing something with that.  The nice thing is that I have time to learn about and tinker myself so I understand how to work with them and where to get extra materials. 

Final Project
My major digital project is coming.  I have started getting my students online.  (HUGE success).  I am continually tinkering with the edmodo site and connecting kids and learning about how to utilize it.  But like I just said I have the kids online.  Now this is forcing me to get it going at an accelerated pace.  I am not quite happy with where it is at yet but in the next couple of days I know it will be ready for me to invite my eci831 community to sign in a check it out.  The exciting thing is the amount of responses from the students I have gotten.  For me to get the amount of responses that occurred in the first day of my utilizing the edmodo site compared to me asking the students to write a response and hand it into me is drastically different.  The ability for me to check their progress and quickly respond to their writing is amazing.  This is why I am re-energized about my project.  I know last week I was feeling a little defeated but was able to gear down and get some serious work done on it and I have found some success!  This is a great feeling. 

My goals this week are to
1. Have my fractions unit ready to go
2. The next 3-4 reading assignments up a rolling for the edmodo site. 
3. Find an article relating to my Major Digital Project
4. Comment meaningfully once a day to a different persons blog or message on the community page. 


  1. Kyle, I also ordered some Makey makey's for my school after the conclusion of Tuesday's class. I am going to try them out next semester in my science 9 class as part of the electricity unit.

  2. Tina, I have shown it to my admin, and they are very interested they just want me to talk with others to see how many would be interested so we know how many to order.
