Sunday, 20 October 2013

Connected Reality

This has been a very trying week.  With upcoming report cards, parents meetings, having my intern take over most of the responsibilities of the classroom teacher, going to different schools to learn more about new structures within classrooms, and trying to get online while working a second job and coaching.  I am feeling the my connected reality is a figment of my imagination.  I have even contemplated leaving my phone at home for a week so people can not reach me to ask me any more questions or requests for assistance.  So as it stands this week I am not living and learning in our connected reality. 
I am sure I can not be the only one who is in this boat, and it takes me back to a post about the balance of screen time posted by Jackie Sakatch.  I am trying to convince myself that yes 1. my time in front of the screen is appropriate, 2. It has to be meaningful because it is all for the students, and 3. It must be empowering if it is the first two. 
The last one is the hardest one for me right now.  I think because I am having such a hard time getting my students to buy into the appropriateness of their screen time and making sure their screen time is meaningful.  I am not seeing the success in utilizing the online math assignments, and teaching that I was hoping for.  I know it is early but I would like to see some more independence but instead I am seeing a lack of ability.  This then goes back to having my intern take over most of the responsibilities.  I would like to utilize more time throughout the day to reinforce certain skills, but I do not want to take away from her learning experience either.
Now where do I stand in being a good citizen within my classroom community when it comes to eci831... I feel that I have been lacking there.  My time management is lack luster and I have not had the time to put in as much as I have wanted or needed to in the last couple weeks, but I am hoping now that my intern is capable of handling more of her load without my instant support I will be able to sneak some time throughout the day to monitor and add to the community.
My goals this week is to review and check in on my progress of my major digital progress, add a couple of posts about what we are learning in class on Tuesday about gaming and about some program that is helping me flip my class, along with reading and commenting on at least 6 peoples blogs, or posts. 
Here's to reclaiming my connected reality within eci 831!


  1. Hi Kyle,

    I agree, it's tough keeping up with all the online commitments. I was interested in "appropriate" screen time or time online. I often have people telling me that I spend too much time online, or to "be more social", so I do feel guilty when I'm online sometimes.That being said I do think that this type of online participation has been very beneficial and social!

    Thanks for your post.


    1. Hi Gillian,
      Thanks for the comment. I saw the message on my phone and made me feel a lot better about my situation. Definitely made me feel more connected.

  2. Hi Kyle,

    I can totally relate to having a busy schedule and keeping up. My favorite part of your post is your goal section. Sometimes when things start to get overwhelming we just have to write down practical goals and go at 'er. Good luck with accomplishing what you set out to do this week!

  3. I also get quite busy and seem to neglect my Twitter feed or the Google+ group. I have the alerts go to my phone whenever someone posts and I always feel guilty when others are posting and I am not. However, I think the small goals you set for yourself will be beneficial.

  4. Kyle - How's your goal for this week going? I agree that there's a lot to keep up with!

  5. Hey people. Thanks for all the comments. I appreciate all the support. As for my goals, I have gotten a few things done, and will focus this afternoon until I get onto a few blogs. I have also found a couple of sites that have given me some great ideas about a creation hour or things to supplement my PAA class that I get to run once a week. The exciting thing is that I will be ready to invite people to view my edmodo site within the week which is a major factor in becoming ready to present my successes for my final digital project.
