The last week was very unproductive as it was Grey Cup 101 week here in our amazing city and I took in as much as I could. I was reminded multiple times about how we view our world now through 4 inch screens and was mindful not to do that often and simply take in the experiences. It was GREAT!
Here are a few things for the next week to prepare me for our final summary of learning and completing the "class":
Summary of learning is coming, I have compiled a list of things along with screen shots, quick little videos and most of my thoughts are organized I just need to get the tools (right apple products) to bring it together and make it entertaining.
Major Digital Project:
This one is the thing I am most proud of from this class. I have a mini little diary going and will post it this week with my day to day trials and tribulations. I am going to have it edited so it is easy to read and hopefully not to dry.
Networked Professional Learning:
Here is something that I have found very interesting through this class. I have had the chance to read a plethora of blogs and follow peoples journeys with them which I found very interesting. I have had the chance to comment and share my own thoughts and received many positive thoughts and encouragement throughout the course. I am now interested in twitter which I had no love for at the beginning of the course and most of my love comes from tweetdeck so I can actually follow conversations and hashtags. One of the coolest things I found was learning how to share information so quickly. I was able to take the thoughts and ideas from the class itself, the posts from all my classmates, and the information I was able to acquire and share it with my colleagues to make my day to day job better and make me a stronger teacher. This is one of the reasons my major digital project was able to be as successful as it was, because I took the skills I was learning and practicing in the class and put them to practical use within my professional life.